House keeping

House Keeping

Today I will be looking at the topic of housekeeping.
We will be touching the topics of:

            What housekeeping is

        How it helps in the workplace

       Tips to ensure that one can avoid hazards

    What are hazards

           How to spot them

       The requirements for housekeeping

         Steps that should be taken when cleaning the work area

          How to dispose of waste materials effectively

        The importance of documentation and reports in the work place.

So let’s begin, firstly housekeeping is in the case of a business is the operation of maintenance and record keeping which facilitate productive work in an organization.
It can be described as general care, the cleanliness of a workplace as well as the ordering and the maintenance of a business or working environment.

Good housekeeping is an important part of a company’s welfare it ensures that hazards in the workplace can be avoided as well as noticing and preventing them for example office fires and faulty wires.

Tips to avoiding hazards in the workplace

                I.            Always keep your work space clean- a clean workplace ensures that no accidents can take place.

            II.            Use signs- putting up signs for example warning signs is a good way to inform clients as well as employees of the workplace to be careful as well as to be observant.

       III.            Service your equipment at the work place- it is important to ensure that all the tools and electronics in the work place are working effectively and have no fault this ensures that the workers are safety.

      IV.            Documentation and use reports- documentation and the making of reports in ones work place ensures that you have evidence and also a reference for either the estimate of a client’s repair to a cleaning schedule and servicing report for tools. Documentation ensures not only your safety but the safety of others as well.

           V.            Separate faulty tools- if you do not plan to dispose of tools that you have inspected and discovered that they contain faults then always ensure that you keep them separately from the others that are in proper working order this ensures that no accidents can take place for example the use of a cable with broken wires this could lead to a fire in the workplace.

Now we will be looking at what are hazards and how to spot them

What are hazards?
A hazard can be defined as a danger or risk it is a source of potential damage or adverse health effects on a person.

Examples of hazards and their effects
Hazards in the workplace can be wide ranged however I will be listing a general example.

For example a cable regularly used is and now has a broken wire however it was never inspected during housekeeping accidently a water spill accorded near that faulty wire not only could someone slip and fall he or she could also get electrocuted.

How to spot hazards
Spotting potential hazards is important it helps to stop them before they can turn in to accidents of any kind.
Here are simple tips to spot impending hazards around ones work place.

1.   Identify the hazards by carrying out a workplace risk assessment.
2.Determine how employees might be at risk

3.   Do routine checkups and evaluate risks
 4.  Record and document ate the reviews on potential hazards and ensure that precautions and changes are made to improve them.

The requirements for housekeeping

It is suggested by the OS&H that both employees and employers should ensure workplace safety this can be put in to action by means of safety signs, cleaning schedules, and safety drills for examples. this ensures that both employee and employer are working together to ensure the safety of their work are or place. this ensures that both parties of the company are on board to ensure that the programme works properly.

Proper disposal in housekeeping
Proper waste disposal is essential in computer repairs. If a tool used at work cannot be repaired the best and safest thing to do would be to dispose of it.

Recycling is not only cost efficient but also helps to spread less pollution in the environment thus organizations have been made to handle these specific is not a wise choice to just throw away broken devices,components and tools some can be repaired and reused for other means while others contain harmful substances.

How to reuse Old hARDWARE
You can reuse old hardware of components which is also a form of recycling being obsolete does not mean it is broken.for example you can convert an old internal hard drive into an external hard drive.

Recycling Programs

Major computer manufactures and retailers are generally aware of the damage that e-waste causes to the environment. thus recycling programs are put into motion where people can bring in products that the no longer use or wish to dispose of. so if a company or repairs and servicing shop have components and tools that can no longer be repaired or used the safest way to go is to in list to one of this recycling programs.examples of such companies found in Jamaica are:   

INET Jamaica Limited (Used car batteries, electronics) 
Telephone: (876) 382-6729
Address:87-91 First Street, Newport West, Kingston

These programs were established so it is convenient to consumers and ecologically sound to get rid of parts.

how recycling is done

the proper storage of tools
The proper storage of tools not only ensures the tools safety but also the safety of those around. it ensures that hazards are avoided and the tools with the help of regular maintenance will remain in tact for working order.

Types of documentations

As mentioned in this blog before documentation in the workplace is very important it help to keep the workplace in order and helps to make work easier here are several types of documentations that can be used in the workplace:

1.A Cleaning schedule
2.Safety checks schedules
3. Maintenance schedules
4.OS&H requirement checks

I hope this blog was able to inform and help you in some way towards safety and housekeeping thank you for reading.


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