Computer Repairs Activity Rate

Today i will be looking at computer repairs activity rate this  discussion will cover :
  • what  activity rates 
  • how it relates to computer repairs
  •  the importance of preparing an activity rate sheet for ones company or business before hand.
. How to calculate a activity rate sheet

So frist we will be looking at what an activity rate is.
 An activity rate is the ratio of the total labour force to the population of working age. The employment rate is the ratio between the labour force in work and the population of working age.(18 to 65)

Example of Activity rate sheet

Now lets move on to how this relates with computer repairs?

Well as a computer repair technicians one will need to to be very organized to carry out work effectively and as smoothly as possible to prevent or avoid delays. 

so a activity rate sheet is a safe bet it would be less stressful and also easier to discuss with customers and also copies could be made for the exclusive perpous of dealing with customers. Also having various backup copies ensures that no mistakes can be made when dealing with customers and can also be used as a peice of evidence as well as a refrence.


Now lets look at the importance of creating activity rate before hand

The importance of creating activity rate before hand is you can make changes to it if necessary and you wont need to make up prices on the spot having a rate sheet also ensure that you as a technician have proof in any case of a complaint from example a client about an unreasonable price range.

your activity rate sheet will clearly show evidence  leading up to the price established for diagnoseing or fixing the device given. This ensures that  you can deal with diffrent customers with out any hassle or  becoming sidetracked on the job. This will display a form of tact.

Now we will be discussing how to calculate an activity rate sheet this procedure however is quite simple for example if a computer will take two minutes to test then  you would have this calculation:2mins=2000+1200=3200.

If it takes 2 mins to repair then it is equal to the price of testing which is $2000 plus the service charge of the establishment and the final price would be $3200.

Above is a vidoe that might help you understand the concept of calculating activity rates better.

Thank you for veiwing my blog i hope this has helped you to better understand my blog.


this information was obtained from, 1 September 2014, National Bank of Belgium,,date retrieved November 13,2017,


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